Special exhibitions

Old Bering Sea culture artifacts from St. Lawrence Island

We are fortunate to have a wide selection of exceptional Old Bering Sea culture artifacts from St. Lawrence Island in the gallery. We have dolls, harpoon points, harpoon counterweights, a rare Ipiutak chain with amulets in the form of a hand and a whale, a harpoon socket piece decorated with engravings of a walrus, and a number of specialized implements. Most of the pieces are Okvik (c. 250 BCE to 250 AD) or Punuk (c. 500 - 1200 AD), but some are more recent.     Click here to see the Old Bering Sea artifacts.

Southwestern Native American Jewelry

Navajo and Zuni artists are world famous for their jewelry, and we are pleased to offer pieces from the collection of a connoisseur who acquired most of the works in the 1960s and 1970s.
Click here to see the Southwestern Native American Jewelry exhibition.


Transformations play a prominent role in the art of the Inuit and the people of the Northwest Coast. Inuit shamans were assisted by helping spirits to leave their human form and assume animal forms. The art of the Northwest Coast also features creatures whose boundaries are unclear, who start as one thing and end up as another. This exhibition includes works of art illustrating the use of transformational and shamanic images in the art of the Inuit and the Northwest Coast peoples.
Click here to see the Transformations exhibition

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Special exhibitions